Sunday, July 11, 2010

My single, from 2 oz Spunky Eclectic 80 BFL/ 20 silk. Am experimenting with drafting methods and am trying for softer, loftier singles.

I think the above mentioned experimenting is giving me softer, loftier yarn, although right now at the expense of evenness.
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Yarn Hollow fiber 2 ply

I absolutely love the colors dyed by Rita at Yarn Hollow.

Tour de Fleece 2010

I am having so much fun with all of this spinning practice, and also it is helping me learn how to get better at the tech processes of uploading pictures to Ravelry (forums and stash) and hopefully to the blog. It has been my experience that if I am only doing these tasks once a week or so, I forget how to do it each time. A great idea, suggested to me by some helpful friends, is to write down the steps as I do them, so then when my brain is not working I can just go check the notebook or the computer file. Eventually, I will remember how to do the things, or maybe there are easier ways that I don't know about yet, that will not seem like so many clicks and steps.