Thursday, June 3, 2010

Handpainted Knitting Yarns Semisolids

I attended TNNA this January in Long Beach, CA (not too shabby! It was incredible to sit outside and enjoy a beer with my husband and watch the sunset--IN JANUARY!) It was my second trade show, and mostly I volunteered to work the booths of many of my vendors. Since I already had a lot of small companies, I really wasn't looking to take on any new products.
Until Val and Karen from Mountain Meadow Wool talked up the guys at Handpainted Knitting Yarns, who had done a little dyeing for MMwool.

Handpainted Knitting Yarns (HPKY for short) is kind of a generic sounding name for a very interesting yarn. Their Giant Skeins are 12 different fibers that have all been handpainted together in the same colorway. The result is fancy yarns, rich in texture and color, that only need simple stitching to turn into a striking piece. I couldn't resist the color, the uniqueness, or the charm of Rex Tannahill and Bjorn Coordt, who run the company from Wentzville, MO. It was unlike any of my other lines, and so we decided to work together.

I am cooking up some ideas for shops and their customers to participate in knitalongs with the Giant Skeins, and step one was to try to get some pictures of the colors. Here are *some* of the semisolids!

My aim is to continue to post info and pictures of highlights of my yarn and accessory lines. This way, if my LYS customers will check my blog regularly, they can see what is new and exciting right away, instead of having to wait a couple weeks or months, for me to get to them on my sales "route." And the casual blog visitor/knitter can see what is out there, even if it has not made it onto local shelves yet.

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